How to be conciliatory with Christians in the visual arts profession

I was asked in 2012 to sew an arpillera (an appliqué on textile, designed with a message). What are my future plans as an art educator? I am a christian and my goal is to follow the human divine God-man Jesus, the Chosen- by- God who bought me from the Enemy. He is full of grace and full of truth and where these most intersect is at the crucuifixion where justice and mercy meet. On my arpillera I show the cross in the center and prove that all christians are either moving toward grace and toward truth (upper left). This is called Live Orthodoxy (+Truth+Grace). Toward truth and away from grace (upper right). This is called Dead Orthodoxy (+Truth -Grace). Away from truth and toward grace. (lower left). This is called Live Heterodoxy (-Truth +Grace) or they are in despair because they are moving away from truth and away from grace. (lower right). This is called Dead Heterodoxy
(-Truth-Grace). Where I am at any given time is shown by pins. I am in Quebec serving alongside and supported financially by people who believe in Live Orthodoxy (fleur-de-lys). I am also full of joy when I can share spiritual gifts with French speakers interested in visual art. I also share the fruit of the Holy Spirit in my life (heart) among those who are moving away from truth and away from grace. It is a real struggle to come to the center since one has to move out of the way and let Jesus be our perfect substitute. We can never get grace and truth perfectly centered in our behaviour. We need a new master, a new record and a new heart which only Christ can be for us. That is why we worship him, trust him and hold firmly onto him as he firmly holds onto us, his Beloved.